Change Perception of Your Industry
What can your organization do when the public stands against your industry? Learn how people “know what they know,” and how public perception is driven so that you can create campaigns and programs that make people want to listen and become open to changing what they think of your industry.
Guerrilla Marketing
How to get your company's message and products in front of new people authentically so that you are at the top of mind even if you don’t have a big advertising budget or staff. Prepare your team to attract attention in innovative and exciting ways that endears you to your target audience.
Attracting Young Talent
A look at why organizational cultures get hardened and what you can do to change so that you can inspire your current employees to think big while drawing in new talent that will keep you vibrant.
Advanced Conversation skills
Learn how to be more engaging when communicating with your clients and how to handle conflict effectively so that you can learn from your critics and handle tough situations.