Ashley Arrington

About Ashley

Ashley Arrington grew up in the State of Georgia, surrounded by everything agriculture. Ashley graduated with a Bachelor’s in Finance and then obtained her Masters of Business Administration (MBA). Ashley has worked in the banking industry her entire career and now concentrates exclusively on agricultural banking, financial analysis, and debt management. She also devotes a lot of her time to banking/financial education in the Agriculture Industry.  She compiles a weekly newsletter and can be found at conferences and seminars throughout the year. Ashley also provides cotton market analysis which can be heard on various radio stations and television shows.

Speaking Topics

Ag Banking

Debt Management

Creating a Financial Plan

Compiling Finance Requests

Debt Structures

Cotton Market Analysis

About Keynote Ag
Keynote Ag features real farmers and ag professionals. We are the most sought after voices in the ag community, because we come from the field.
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